Sometimes It Takes Awhile

The other bit of advice that I have fought against kicking and screaming is, "you can do it all, but not all at once." Really? Just watch me! And by watching me, I mean watch me be completely stressed and hide under the covers because it is TOO MUCH! So yes, I am reluctantly learning that some things have to wait depending on where you are in life.
Where I am in life is still very busy with 4 kids, 3 dogs, a house in the country that needs a lot of work. I coach High School basketball, I am an artist and a photographer. But my kids are a little bit older now so the days of potty training and sleepless nights are over. They still need me, at least that's what I tell them, but it is, well, different.
As the pain sets in with the realization that I have to let them go sooner than I would like, I decided it was time to focus a little more on me. The choices came down to chocolate, wine, coffee, and art so I figured, what the heck, all of the above!! But mostly, art.
Art has been the greatest healer in my life. I started during high school when the art room became my hiding place from the outside world filled with teenage angst. It resurfaced when I lost my best friend to suicide. Art was my companion when I spent 3 weeks in Georgia (in a haunted hotel, true story!) waiting for my daughter to be born and getting to know her brave and selfless birthmom. I use art to journal when I'm worried about my kids. I paint the beautiful meadow that surrounds our new home and brings me peace in the early morning as I sip my coffee and let my mind wander.
My hope and dream has always been to share my art with others. I have been waiting for a very long time to pursue my art business, but like my mom says, "timing is everything!"
I hope you follow along as I share my art and my life with you. Both are a bit wild and chaotic at times, but I like to think that is what keeps it interesting.
Thank you for being here.